Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Leadership of Ghandi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership of Ghandi - Essay Example With all of India praying and fasting there was nobody to run the shops or the telegraph system so India was virtually cut off from any communication and trade from the rest of the world. The British army had to take over the telegraph system so that they could have at least one way to communicate. Gandhi was also a strong believer of 'Satyagraha' which means to use personal dedication to your cause, and which forces you to do what is right. More of Gandhi's methods to achieve his ultimate goal of an independent India were marching and making speeches. Gandhi took many followers to Darishima Salt Works, at which they made two lines formed of men while women were setting up hospital tents near by. Gandhi and another man were first to attempt to get through the gates, which only resulted in multiple beatings. But still the men marched up to the gate. Man after man beaten and taken away by the women to the hospital. Gandhi also made many important speeches. One very important one was when Gandhi told the Indians only to wear homespun. He told them to wear homespun He also spoke about boycotting British goods so that caused the British hardships. Gandhi fasted many times nearly until he was too weak to even speak. He would fast for days in order to prove to his people that fighting was wrong and that non-violence should be used.

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