Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Application of constructivism theory in French Mali intervention Essay

Application of constructivism theory in French Mali intervention - Essay Example Mali faced some civil conflict since January 2012. Northern region of the country, Azawad, majorly occupied by the Islamic believers have been fighting for independence from the Malian government. The rebellious troops, dubbed The National Movement for the Liberation of the Azawad (MNLA) fought the government to liberate Azawad and make it for Tuereg people, and three months later, the troop had taken over the region. The conflict sparked the coup of President Amadou Toure, and another troop dubbed CNRDR took over the nation before suspending the national constitution. Mali became unstable and the rebels took charge of major Malian cities. MNLA was supported by several Islamic militias, and after the MNLA conquer; Islamic laws were introduced in the Northern region of Mali. Later the Islamic and MLNA developed some conflicts. The government sought help from foreign nations to resolve the insecurity and instability in the country, and by January 2013, French military launched some ope rations against the Islamic militias. The operation was successful, since the Malian military took over from the Islamic militia a month later. History indicate that The French military took active role in the fight against the Islamic troops but trained the Malian military on advanced and effective war and defensive tactics, until they took over. The French Military applied the constructivism theory, also called learning theory to train the Malian military. This work is about the application of the constructivism theory in training the Malian troops by the French facilitators and boosting Malian national security. Mali’s national security was compromised when some Islamic rebellious troops launched several attacks in the Northern Mali in 2012 (Cole-Turner, 2001). The French being the former colonial master of Mali were the first to rescue the situation since the country would have turned into a hostile war zone. The first mission was to train the Malian national defensive te am on the application of modern military technologies to fight the religious militia. Constructivism Theory The theory implies that humans apply newly learned knowledge together with prior experience to undertake any duty or make effective decisions. It comes from the word ‘constructs’ which means a special kind of filters in the human body system which carry certain knowledge and tend to change human reality from a certain state of confusion to some kind of order. The constructivism theory has some ties with cognitive as well as biological human systems. The theory is applied in several fields of learning. For instance, it helps pass or grasp some knowledge in experiments, discovery learning, as well as project and task based trainings. This work is about the application of the constructivism theory in training the Malian troops by the French facilitators and boosting Malian national security. Mali’s national security was compromised when some Islamic rebellious troops launched several attacks in the Northern Mali in 2012 (Cole-Turner, 2001). The French being the former colonial master of Mali were the first to rescue the situation since the country would have turned into a hostile war zone. The first mission was to train the Malian national defensive team on the application of modern military technologies to fight the religious militia. The Constructivism theory was first applied in the early 20th century with some neuroscientists who believed that the main role of education is to increase societal knowledge. Experimental learning was encouraged since it tends to provide a practical platform to enable the learner add such knowledge to those learnt in theoretical class (Schein, 2011). The theory was to boost three basic elements of education namely thinking, reflection, as well explorations. The neurosurgeons lament that the theory was developed in certain sequences until it could be proved and applied in the society (Witte, 2007). Some

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Validity of the Developmental Theories Essay Example for Free

The Validity of the Developmental Theories Essay Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Human nature and its varying and complex behaviors fascinate almost everyone. Although not all are inclined to be able to understand and explicate the details of individual personalities those who do find themselves in confusion many times why some people do things that are at times difficult to comprehend. However, the science of human behavior has indeed helped facilitate thus far, an understanding of human conduct and its nature at various lengths through the theories of human development by prominent theorists (Plotnik, 1996). This paper attempts validate their works by citing the researcher’s own personal timeline and/or development. For a proper and organized treatment of this paper, it will answer the following problem statements: What are the descriptions of Freud (psychosexual), Erikson (psychosocial), and Piaget’s (Cognitive) stages for childhood and adolescent years of development? Are developmental theories applicable to real-life and if so, based on your personal timeline, how (and if not, how not)? Discussion What are the descriptions of Freud (psychosexual), Erikson (psychosocial), and Piaget’s (Cognitive) stages for childhood and adolescent years of development?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Development does not end once a person reaches maturity, but continues throughout life. Developmental psychologists seek to describe ad analyze the regularities of human development across the entire life span. It focuses primarily on these aspects of development that make us similar to one another (Atkinson et al., 1993).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sigmund Freud hypothesized that each of us goes through five psychosexual stages. These are five different developmental periods – oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital stages – during which the individual seeks pleasure from different areas of the body associated with sexual feelings. Freud emphasized that the child’s first five years are the most important to social and personality development (Atkinson et al, 1993). The stages of oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital stages are controversial and highly debatable concepts which Freud originated. Freud pointed out that satisfying one of the child’s needs becomes a source of potential conflict between the child, who wants immediate gratification, and the parent, who places restrictions on when, where, and how the child’s needs should be satisfied. Freud believed that interactions between parent and child in satisfying these psychosexual needs for example, during breastfeeding or toilet training – greatly influence the child’s social development and future social interactions. Freud’s psychosexual stages are part of his larger psychoanalytic theory of personality (Hilgard et al., 1983, Atkinson, 1993).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Secondly, the psychosocial stage of development is best explained through the theory developed by Erik Erikson. According to Erik Erikson, a child will encounter different kinds of problems in infancy and childhood, which will shape one’s social and personality development. Erikson gave eight psychosocial stages. A child according to Erikson will encounter a particular psychosocial problem at each stage. If he successfully resolves the problem, he will develop a good social trait that will help him/her solve the next problem. If he/she is unsuccessful, he/she will develop a bad social trait that will hinder his or her solving a new problem at the next stage (Atkinson, 1993). His stages include Trust versus mistrust, Autonomy versus Shame doubt, Initiative versus guilt, Industry versus Inferiority, Identity versus Confusion, Intimacy versus Isolation, Generativity versus Stagnation, Integrity versus Despair, comprise each of the description of the periods and the potential problems that may arise during each of the particular period (Halonen Santrock, 1996).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Piaget’s theory of cognitive development refers to how a person perceives, thinks, and gains an understanding of his or her world through the interaction and influence of genetic and learning factors. He has identified the cognitive stages and refers to four different stages – sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational stages – each of which is more advanced than the preceding stage because it involves new reasoning and thinking abilities (Piaget, 1963; Hurlock, 1964). Piaget’s work led to the current view that children are actively involved in their own cognitive development. By active involvement, Piaget meant that children are constantly striving to understand what they encounter, and in such encounters, they form their own guesses or hypotheses about how the world works (Hurlock, 1964). Are developmental theories applicable to real-life and if so, based on your personal timeline, how (and if not, how not)?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This paper just briefly introduced three differing explanations of certain aspects of human development and these were the currently accepted theoretical perspectives of human-behavior development. Relating these with the author’s personal development, yes, I could say that the developmental theories are in most cases applicable. Looking at my personal timeline, the observations and generalizations made by Freud, where the struggles in later years such as getting married at an earlier age, joining the army etc., were concerned, many of his concepts had pointedly identified those that are linked with during the early years of my development as compared to Freud’s five psychosexual stages. Terms like fixation and those that may have something to do with his conceptualization of instincts helped me understand many of my personal confusions regarding certain inner/internal struggles in my life (Halonen Santrock, 1996). In addition, Erikson’s description of the psychosocial stages where these are best illustrated during the adolescent years such as identity versus confusion, remembering those carefree years and the subsequent important transition and decision making abilities that need be developed helped me relate a lot to many of my adventures and misadventures as a youth, His apt and keen analysis of these stages helped me then and makes me feel at ease concerning   the anticipated times or periods of years ahead (Atkinson et al., 1993; Hurlock, 1964). In addition, Piaget’s poignant attention to children’s cognitive development helped me realize why I was so interested in peewee wrestling at such a tender young age.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is always worthwhile to spend ample time thinking and studying the many-faceted dimensions of human persona, from physical to cognitive and psychological areas among others. It has contributed a lot to my personal understanding of self-awareness and the development of the consciousness and sensitivity of what other humans like me are going through. It caters to a deeper understanding as well as acceptance of people’s frailties, and also their strengths. Freud, Piaget and Erikson’s theories indeed were validated basing on my personal timeline/story; no wonder that these three theories are almost forever cemented as classics in the understanding and predicting of human behavior.       Reference: Atkinson, R.L., R.C. Atkinson, E.E. Smith, D.J. Bem, and S. Nolen-Hoeksema. 1993. Introduction to psychology. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace and Company. Halonen, J.S. and J.W. Santrock (1996). Psychology: Contexts of behavior, Dubuque, IA: Brown and Benchmark, p.810. Hilgard, E.R., R.R. Atkinson, and R.C. Atkinson, (1979)1983. Introduction to psychology.7th Ed. New York: Harcourt brace Jovanich, Inc. Hurlock, E.B. 1964. Child Development. New York: Mc Graw-Hill Book Company. Piaget, J. 1963. The conception of reality in the child. New York: Ballantine Books. Plotnik, R. 1996. Introduction to psychology. 4th ed. Pacific Grove, California 93950: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company. Appendix MAJOR POINTS ON MY PERSONAL TIMELINE: -Birth date is April 28, 1983 -start walking at 14 months; -Travel to Costa Rica with Grandparents at age 40; -start peewee wrestling at age 8 -graduate from junior high at age14/ enter high school; -Got license and buy own car at age 16 -graduated high school at age 18/start college; -Joined the army National Guard at age 19 -got married/have first child at age 21; -Deployed to Iraq at age 23- have twins at age 23 POSSIBLE FUTURE OUTCOMES (age represented is my possible age) Graduate and become nurse by age 27 -move to new city by age 30; -daughter start high school at age 35 -twins start high school at age 38 -daughter graduates high school/starts college at age 39; -Twins graduate high school/start college at age 42 -daughter gets married at age 45 -first grandchild at age 48

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Racism - After The Civil War Essay -- essays research papers

The conclusion of the Civil War in favor of the north was supposed to mean an end to slavery and equal rights for the former slaves. Although laws and amendments were passed to uphold this assumption, the United States Government fell short. The thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments were proposed and passed within five years of the Civil War’s conclusion. These amendments were to create equality throughout the United States, especially in the south where slavery had been most abundant. Making equality a realization would not be an easy task. This is because many problems were not perceived before and during the war. The reunification of the country would prove to be harder than expected, and entry into a new lifestyle would be difficult for both the freedmen and their former oppressors. The thirteenth amendment clearly prohibits slavery in the United States. All slaves were to be freed immediately when this amendment was declared ratified in December of 1865, but wh at were they to do? Generations of African-Americans had been enslaved in America, and those who had lived their whole lives in slavery had little knowledge of the outside world. This lack of knowledge would not be helpful in trying to find work once they were released. Plantation owners with a lack of workforce were eager to offer extremely low pay to their former slaves. In addition, the work force of the plantation would often live in the same quarters they did while enslaved. These living condition...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Disaster Recovery Plan Essay

This document outlines our policies and procedures for technology disaster recovery, as well as our process-level plans for recovering critical technology platforms and the telecommunications infrastructure. This document summarizes our recommended procedures. In the event of an actual emergency situation, modifications to this document may be made to ensure physical safety of our people, our systems, and our data. Our mission is to ensure information system uptime, data integrity and availability, and business continuity. OBJECTIVES The principal objective of the disaster recovery program is to develop, test and document a well-structured and easily understood plan which will help the company recover as quickly and effectively as possible from an unforeseen disaster or emergency which interrupts information systems and business operations. Additional objectives include the following: †¢The need to ensure that all employees fully understand their duties in implementing such a plan †¢The need to ensure that operational policies are adhered to within all planned activities †¢The need to ensure that proposed contingency arrangements are cost-effective †¢The need to consider implications on other company sites †¢Disaster recovery capabilities as applicable to key customers, vendors and others BACK UP STRATEGY Battle Creek, Michigan is susceptible to various natural disasters such as wild fires, tornadoes, and hurricanes. When it comes to data backup and restoration for the servers at DLIS after any given natural disaster, we recommend using the services of Carbonite for offsite vaulting. Their services include automatic backup, anytime anywhere access, easy file recovery, web-based dashboard, automatic video backup, free valet Install, U. S based support, unlimited computers, external drives and NAS devices, HIPAA Compatible, and unlimited Windows Servers. For email services we recommend using Outlook: email cloud. Migrating email to the cloud offers substantial financial savings and eliminates on-site mail system infrastructure. The company can avoid email server backups, shrink email support time, off-load maintenance, and bypass the need for server-based anti-virus, anti-spam and email filtering products, For email security, we recommend using Barracuda’s Email Security Service. They offer business continuity, security, data loss prevention, encryption, and optimized email. When a disaster strikes, Barracuda is prepared to forward emails to a secondary email server and spooling emails for up to 96 hours which ensures emails are delivered during disaster recovery situations. Their security uses the most advanced technology to block the latest spam, viruses, worms, and DoS attacks. For DLP (Data Loss Prevention), they scan emails and attachments for keywords like social security and automatically block or encrypt sensitive emails. Lastly, they provide the option for users to encrypt their emails while administrators can enforce encryption policies on classes of email. RISK MANAGMENT There are many potential disruptive threats which can occur at any time and affect the normal business process. We have considered a wide range of potential threats and the results of our deliberations are included in this section. Each potential environmental disaster or emergency situation has been examined. The focus here is on the level of business disruption which could arise from each type of disaster. Potential disasters have been assessed as follows: Potential Disaster Probability Rating Impact Rating Brief Description Of Potential Consequences ; Remedial Actions Flood 3 4 All critical equipment is located on 1st Floor Fire 3 4 FM200 suppression system installed in main computer centers. Fire and smoke detectors on all floors. Tornado 5 Electrical power failure 3 4 Redundant UPS array together with auto standby generator that is tested weekly ; remotely monitored 24/7. UPSs also remotely monitored. Loss of communications network services 4 4 Two diversely routed T1 trunks into building. WAN redundancy, voice network resilience Probability: 1=Very High, 5=Very LowImpact: 1=Total destruction, 5=Minor annoyance PLAN TRIGGERING EVENTS Key trigger issues at headquarters that would lead to activation of the DRP are: Total loss of all communications Total loss of power Flooding of the premises Loss of the building ASSEMBLY POINTS Where the premises need to be evacuated, the DRP invocation plan identifies two evacuation assembly points: †¢Primary – Far end of main parking lot; †¢Alternate – Parking lot of company across the street ACTIVATION OF EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM When an incident occurs the Emergency Response Team (ERT) must be activated. The ERT will then decide the extent to which the DRP must be invoked. All employees must be issued a Quick Reference card containing ERT contact details to be used in the event of a disaster. Responsibilities of the ERT are to: †¢Respond immediately to a potential disaster and call emergency services; †¢Assess the extent of the disaster and its impact on the business, data center, etc. ; †¢Decide which elements of the DR Plan should be activated; †¢Establish and manage disaster recovery team to maintain vital services and return to normal operation; †¢Ensure employees are notified and allocate responsibilities and activities as required. DISASTER RECOVERY TEAM The team will be contacted and assembled by the ERT. The team’s responsibilities include: †¢Establish facilities for an emergency level of service within 2.  0 business hours; †¢Restore key services within 4. 0 business hours of the incident; †¢Recover to business as usual within 8. 0 to 24. 0 hours after the incident; †¢Coordinate activities with disaster recovery team, first responders, etc. †¢Report to the emergency response team. EMERGENCY ALERT, ESCALAT ION, AND DRP ACTIVATION This policy and procedure has been established to ensure that in the event of a disaster or crisis, personnel will have a clear understanding of who should be contacted. Procedures have been addressed to ensure that communications can be quickly established while activating disaster recovery. The DR plan will rely principally on key members of management and staff who will provide the technical and management skills necessary to achieve a smooth technology and business recovery. Suppliers of critical goods and services will continue to support recovery of business operations as the company returns to normal operating mode. EMERGENCY ALERT The Emergency Response Team (ERT) is responsible for activating the DRP for disasters identified in this plan, as well as in the event of any other occurrence that affects the company’s capability to perform normally. One of the tasks during the early stages of the emergency is to notify the Disaster Recovery Team (DRT) that an emergency has occurred. The notification will request DRT members to assemble at the site of the problem and will involve sufficient information to have this request effectively communicated. The Business Recovery Team (BRT) will consist of senior representatives from the main business departments. The BRT Leader will be a senior member of the company’s management team, and will be responsible for taking overall charge of the process and ensuring that the company returns to normal working operations as early as possible.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How Far Do You Agree with the Opinion That the Boer Was Acted as a Spur to Much Needed Reform in Britain

How far do you agree with the opinion that the Boer war acted as a spur to much needed reform in Britain? The Boer war acted as a catalyst to reform in many ways. It had considerable impact politically and socially. Many changes were put in place, from improving the army to public health care. Initially what acted as a spur was the amount of deaths and the cost of the war, 22,000 were killed costing ? 200 million therefore this led to a wake up call for the Army.However one may argue that it was not just the Boer war that induced reforms to be made in Britain; individuals such as Richard Burton Haldane who was appointed war minister could have implemented changes without the Boer war being a significant factor. The Committee of Imperial defence was set up in 1903 addressing that critical reform was needed in regards to the way Britain defended itself and strategy of planning.This was introduced to learn lesson from the Boer war furthermore Lord Salisbury established the Royal Commiss ions under Lord Elgin, some of the changes that were implemented was the abolition of the post of Commander in Chief, this was highly significant as it allowed other posts to be introduced and the elite class did not buy there way into the Army and posts were given by merit hence allowing more competent individuals to run the Army. Source B shows that inefficiencies of the armed forces and the how important the Esher Report was in reforming it.The source highlighted that there was much needed reform in the army and much of these reforms that were introduced were due to the Boer war, â€Å"it coolly analysed the confusions and ineffectiveness of military administration† considering the provenance I can see that it is from a Book by the historian Corelli Barnett who studied English military history and it was published in 1970 hence implying that Barnett must have collected a wide range of sources over a long period of time and judged them fairly before coming to a rational con clusion.Source A suggests that Britain has had â€Å"an imperial lesson† and will learn from it and will strengthen the Empire. The nature of the source is an extract from a poem by Rudyard Kipling. The provenance could be challenged as it was written by Kipling who was pro Empire, so it may have an exaggerative nature however one may argue that the idea of reform as a result of the Boer war was widespread and accepted at the time, moreover source B which is reliable also accepts the viewpoint.There were huge numbers of men that were deemed unfit for military service; this was made apparent when they led an investigation into why it took so long and why it was so expensive just to defeat 50 000 farmers, from this investigation they saw that they had to make changes hence why the Committee on Physical Deterioration was established; it was set up in 1903 and found that it was not physical deterioration regarding physical health but there was a growing need to improve living, wo rking and education conditions.This produced the need for national efficiency. Many different groups wanted to improve Britains social system by making the Empire efficient and putting more children into Education for longer to allow the spread of social mobility. A meritocracy was also introduced thus allowing individuals to embark of a career based on qualifications and not social class. This could only have been put in place because of the Boer war. Source D evidently shows the need for national efficiency, it shows that 26. % of people were rejected out of 3600 recruits in Sheffield, York and Leeds. â€Å"3 out of 5 volunteers were rejected† this was astonishingly high and highlighted the pressing need to change Britain socially. Free school meals were introduced in 1906 and provision of medical inspections of children. The National Insurance Act of 1911 which provided free medical health for the working class. As a results of the many deaths that occurred in the Second B oer war, new administrative structures were put in place.From acknowledging the fast reactions, skills and talented nature of the Boers, the British needed to put some hard reforms in place. Firstly they removed the traditional bright scarlet uniform for the khaki which allowed a better disguise, new weaponry was introduced such as the Lee Enfield rifle and quick firing guns were produced which were learned from massacres like the one at spion kop. Hence showing that all these changes were due to the learning of mistakes from the Boer war.Source C is an extract from a memorandum from Haldane on military reform published in 1907 this was written by Haldane who was appointed the war minister thus implying that this source is accurate as a war minister would not make exaggerated claims on reforming the military, therefore the provenance of this source is reliable, this source explains the mobilisation of the territorial or home force. However some may say that it was not largely due to the result of the Boer war but because of political changes that were inevitably going to take place.Whenever a new party comes into power is it understandable that they would make important decisions on how to run the country, nevertheless one may argue that the Boer war had an impact on decision making. Furthermore judging from the sources most of them all are in agreement with each other Sources B, C and D are written by reliable people, Historian and politicians were are Source A is a poem written by an individual who is pro empire however there is substantial evidence to support what is written in this poem. Hence why I agree with the view that the second Boer war resulted in much needed reform in Britain.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Italianate Homes, Romantic and Picturesque

Italianate Homes, Romantic and Picturesque Of all the homes built in the United States during the Victorian era, the romantic Italianate style became the most popular for a short period of time. With their nearly-flat roofs, wide eaves, and massive brackets, these homes suggested the romantic villas of Renaissance Italy. The Italianate style is also known as Tuscan, Lombard, or bracketed. Italianate and the Picturesque Movement The historical roots of Italianate styles are in Italian Renaissance architecture. Some of the first Italian villas were designed by Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio in the 16th century. Palladio reinvented Classical architecture, melding the designs of a Roman temple into residential architecture. By the 19th century, English-speaking architects were reinventing Roman designs yet again, capturing the flavor of what they imagined to be the Italian villa look. The Italianate style began in England with the picturesque movement. For centuries English homes tended to be formal and classical in style. Neoclassical architecture was orderly and proportioned.  With the picturesque movement, however, the landscape gained importance. Architecture not only became integral to its surroundings, but also became a vehicle for experiencing the natural world and surrounding gardens. The pattern books of British-born landscape architect Calvert Vaux (1824-1895) and the American Andrew Jackson Downing (1815-1852) brought this concept to an American audience. Especially popular was A. J. Downings 1842 book Rural Cottages and Cottage-Villas and their Gardens and Grounds Adapted to North America. American architects and builders such as  Henry Austin (1804-1891) and Alexander Jackson Davis (1803-1892) began to design fanciful recreations of Italian Renaissance villas. Architects copied and reinterpreted the style for buildings in the United States, making Italianate architecture in the U.S. uniquely American in style. One of the finest examples of late Victorian Italianate architecture is owned by the National Park Service. The John Muir National Historic Site in Martinez, California lays claim to the 17-room John Muir Mansion, built in 1882, and inherited by the famous American naturalist. Queen Victoria ruled England for a long, long time - from 1837 until her death in 1901 - so Victorian architecture is more a time frame than a specific style. During the Victorian era, emerging styles captured a large audience by the widely-published house pattern books packed with building plans and home building advice. Prominent designers and illustrators published many plans for Italianate and Gothic Revival style homes. By the late 1860s, the fashion had swept through North America. Why Builders Loved the Italianate Style Italianate architecture knew no class boundaries. The high square towers made the style a natural choice for upscale homes of the newly rich. However the brackets and other architecture details, made affordable by new methods for machine production, were easily applied to simple cottages. Historians say that Italianate became the favored style for two reasons: (1) Italianate homes could be constructed with many different building materials, and the style could be adapted to modest budgets; and (2) new technologies of the Victorian era made it possible to quickly and affordably produce cast-iron and press-metal decorations. Many 19th century commercial buildings, including urban rooming houses, were constructed with this practical yet elegant design. Italianate remained the preferred house style in the U.S. until the 1870s, when the Civil War curbed the progress of construction. Italianate was also a common style for modest structures like barns and for larger public buildings such as town halls, libraries, and train stations. You will find Italianate buildings in nearly every part of the United States except for the deep South. There are fewer Italianate buildings in the southern states because the style reached its peak during the Civil War, a time when the south was economically devastated. Italianate was an early form of Victorian architecture. After the 1870s, architectural fashion turned toward late Victorian styles such as Queen Anne. Italianate Features Italianate homes can be wood-sided or brick, with commercial and public properties often being masonry. The most common Italianate styles will often have many of these characteristics: a low-pitched or flat roof; a balanced, symmetrical rectangular shape; a tall appearance, with two, three, or four stories; wide, overhanging eaves with large brackets and cornices; a square cupola; a porch topped with balustraded balconies; tall, narrow, paired windows, often arched with hood moldings projecting above the windows; a side bay window, often two stories tall; heavily molded double doors; Roman or segmented arches above windows and doors; and rusticated quoins on masonry buildings. Italianate house styles in America can seem like a mix of characteristics from different eras, and sometimes they are. The Italian-inspired Renaissance Revival homes are more palatial but still often confused with the Victorian Italianate style. The French-inspired Second Empire, like houses in the Italianate style, often feature a high, square tower. Beaux Arts buildings are grand and elaborate, often embracing Italianate ideas along with Classical. Even Neo-Mediterranean builders of the 20th century re-visited Italianate themes. Victorian architecture encompasses a variety of popular styles, but ask yourself how picturesque each is. Examples of Italianate Houses Italiante houses can be found across the United States. often tucked away in unexpected places. The Lewis House built in 1871, is on a side road outside Ballston Spa, New York. Not named for the original owner, the Lewis family converted historic home near Saratoga Springs into a Bed Breakfast business. Italianate Lewis House, 1871, Ballston Spa, New York. Jackie Craven In Bloomington, Illinois you can visit Clover Lawn, built in 1872. Also known as the David Davis Mansion, the architecture combines Italianate and Second Empire stylings. David Davis Mansion, 1872, Illinois. Teemu08 via Wikimedia Commons, own work, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license (CC BY-SA 3.0) cropped The Andrew Low House in Savannah, Georgia was built in 1849. This historic house by New York architect John Norris has been described as Italianate, most notably because of its urban garden landscaping. To get the full sense of Italiante details, especially the roof, the observer must step back both physically and in time. Andrew Low House, 1849, Savannah, Georgia. Carol M. Highsmith/Getty Images (cropped) Sources Italianate Architecture and History, Old-House Journal, August 10, 2011, [accessed August 28, 2017]Italianate Villa/Italianate Style 1840 - 1885, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission,  [accessed August 28, 2017]A Field Guide to American Houses by Virginia and Lee McAlester, Knopf, 1984, 2013American Shelter: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the American Home by Lester Walker, Overlook, 1998American House Styles: A Concise Guide by John Milnes Baker, AIA, Norton, 2002Photo Credits: Clover Lawn, Teemu08 via Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0) cropped; Andrew Low House, Carol M. Highsmith/Getty Images (cropped); Lewis House, Jackie CravenCOPYRIGHT: The articles you see on the pages of this website are copyrighted. You may link to them or print them for your own use, but do not copy them into a blog, web page, or print publication without permission.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Atmospheric Circulation

The global energy balance and atmospheric motion mainly determine the circulation of the earth's atmosphere. There is a hierarchy of motion in atmospheric circulation. Each control can be broken down into smaller controlling factors. The global energy balance is an equal balance of short-wave radiation coming into the atmosphere and long-wave radiation going out of the atmosphere. This is called thermal equilibrium. The earth is at thermal equilibrium; however, there can have a surplus or deficit of energy in parts of the heat budget. If you have a net radiation surplus warm air will rise, and a net radiation deficit will make the air cool an fall. Air gets heated at the equator because of the inter tropical convergence zone and rises to the poles. There the air is cooled and it floats back down to the equator where the process is repeated. Another major contributing factor to the circulation of the air is due to the subtropical highs. These highs like the ITCZ migrate during the different seasons. The idealized belt model is a great representation of the general circulation of the atmosphere. The equatorial belt of variable winds and calms ranges from 5 degrees north to 5 degrees south. This wind belt is characterized by weak winds and low pressure from the inter tropical convergence zone. As you go further north or south you encounter the Hadley Cells. Hadley cell circulation is caused by the movement of high pressure from the latitudes at 5 to 30 degrees north and 5 to 30 degrees south to low pressure areas around the equator. The movement of air from high pressure to low pressure causes convergence. This convergence generates the production of wind. The winds that are produced from this are the trade winds. The winds blow from a northwest direction in the northern hemisphere, and in the southern hemisphere the winds blow from a southeast direction. The trade winds are the large... Free Essays on Atmospheric Circulation Free Essays on Atmospheric Circulation The global energy balance and atmospheric motion mainly determine the circulation of the earth's atmosphere. There is a hierarchy of motion in atmospheric circulation. Each control can be broken down into smaller controlling factors. The global energy balance is an equal balance of short-wave radiation coming into the atmosphere and long-wave radiation going out of the atmosphere. This is called thermal equilibrium. The earth is at thermal equilibrium; however, there can have a surplus or deficit of energy in parts of the heat budget. If you have a net radiation surplus warm air will rise, and a net radiation deficit will make the air cool an fall. Air gets heated at the equator because of the inter tropical convergence zone and rises to the poles. There the air is cooled and it floats back down to the equator where the process is repeated. Another major contributing factor to the circulation of the air is due to the subtropical highs. These highs like the ITCZ migrate during the different seasons. The idealized belt model is a great representation of the general circulation of the atmosphere. The equatorial belt of variable winds and calms ranges from 5 degrees north to 5 degrees south. This wind belt is characterized by weak winds and low pressure from the inter tropical convergence zone. As you go further north or south you encounter the Hadley Cells. Hadley cell circulation is caused by the movement of high pressure from the latitudes at 5 to 30 degrees north and 5 to 30 degrees south to low pressure areas around the equator. The movement of air from high pressure to low pressure causes convergence. This convergence generates the production of wind. The winds that are produced from this are the trade winds. The winds blow from a northwest direction in the northern hemisphere, and in the southern hemisphere the winds blow from a southeast direction. The trade winds are the large...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Time Management Strategies for Students

Time Management Strategies for Students Time Management Strategies for Students How Not to Let Game of Thrones  Fail Your Exams It’s 9 pm and you got a fresh new season of Game of Thrones to watch! But, first you promise yourself only 1 episode. Half way through the video you are hooked and by the time it ends, you throw your hands in despair, John Snow and the White Walkers! I have got to know what happens next! Soon enough you end up watching the entire series. Whew †¦ That was one hell of a season. You suddenly notice its morning, and remember you have a Math exam just in two hours! Two hours!? It’s all your fault, Starks and Lannisters! It’s a matter of urgency and you can’t let Game of Thrones fail your exams! Well, let’s identify the problem. The challenge you face is poor time management. Time management is simply planning, prioritizing, delegating, controlling, understanding yourself and identifying your problematic habits. Once you know how to manage time you will be surprised how easily you can accomplish a lot of activities in only 24 hours! Planning You need to make a comprehensive plan besides a simple to-do list. Your plan should include how you target to carry out an effective time management routine. Before that find free online resources, read article, books and keep on changing your plan when necessary. Prioritizing Divide your work into four main areas: Urgent Put all the urgent work in this area, for instance, upcoming exams, assignments or quiz. Moreover, allocate the most of your time in this zone. Plan to do This is perhaps the most essential part but you have to give it the second most importance. This part usually includes work that matters to you. For instance, researching or networking with other student, scheduling and planning other work related activities. Reject Explain Put here work that causes useless distractions such as email notification or requests from others. Resist and Cease You must try to spend the least amount of time for work that involves in this region such as meaningless doodles, watching Game of Thrones marathon, or listening to songs. Delegating First, take the free delegation review form to see how good you are in this matter. Second, follow these simple steps in a sequent manner: Define the task Select the individual or team for the assignment Provide resources Delegate the task to the individual or team Make a feedback system Review Controlling You have an effective plan or a routine. What happens when you fail to abide by it? You end up letting Game of thrones fail your exams all over again! You must practice your routine and use your plan in a controlled manner until you are accustomed to it. Understanding yourself Understand yourself and the conditions you work best in. Ask yourself these questions:- Do I study better under pressure? Do I study better in a calm or a busy environment? Which time of the day am I most productive? Identifying problematic habits Everyone has some problematic habits such as procrastinating, checking the phone every 5 min, chatting with friends while working, taking a break every now and then and so forth. You must identify all the awkward habits in order to address these matters as soon as possible. See? Time management is not an impossible task. Once you apply this knowledge as well as other resources available you can easily manage your time and if you are smart enough you might even be successful at acing exams that you claim you have no time to study for! Our term  paper writing service can be very useful for you during your exams in college and university.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

PROJECT IV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

PROJECT IV - Essay Example average time (pit stop time) and number of wins for top 30 Sprint Cup Drivers (the Nextel Cup Series) for year 2008 (whole season) is taken for bivariate correlation and regression analysis. For this paper, the average time (pit stop time)1 and number of wins for top 30 Sprint Cup Drivers (the Nextel Cup Series) for year 2008 (whole season) is collected (Race results, 2008; Sprint Cup Drivers, 2008). Table 1: Driver’s Number of Win(s) and the Pit Stop Time in Appendix, shows the data for top 30 drivers for the Nextel Cup Series, 2008. In bivariate correlation and regression analysis , it will be determined whether average time of pit stops is related to the number of wins. Therefore, the average time will be taken as independent variable (x) and the number of wins will be taken as dependent variable (y). Figure 1 shows the scatter plot of Average Pit Stop Time and Number of Wins. From figure 1 , it can be seen that as the average pit stop time increases the number of wins decreases. Therefore, there is a negative relationship exists between the variables average time and number of wins. The value of sample correlation coefficient , r = -0.55 indicate that there is a negative relationship present between the variables average pit stop time and number of wins for top 30 Sprint Cup Drivers. The correlation is significant at level of significance, ÃŽ ± = 0.01. For a two-tailed test at level of significance, ÃŽ ± = 0.01 and degree of freedom 28, the critical value of r is  ± 0.463. The value of correlation coefficient r = - 0.550 is less than the left tail critical value of -0.463, therefore the null hypothesis of no correlation is rejected and the data provide sufficient evidence of correlation between variables average pit stop time and number of wins (Table 3: Correlation Matrix). The slope equal to -1.803 suggests that an additional second in average pit stop time decreases the number of wins of sprint cup drivers by approximately 1.8. The number of wins for

Friday, October 18, 2019

BRICS Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

BRICS - Research Paper Example In order to identify the potential buyers in the automotive industry of Russia it is necessary to gain in depth knowledge about consumer behavior and their needs and wants for the products offered in the country's automotive industry. As a whole the dealerships are considered to be the primary buyers within the automotive industry in Russia. However the pull exerted by the end users is also important. The switching costs for the dealerships is very high mainly because of the fact that in most cases the automotive manufacturing companies have an exclusive contractual agreement with the dealerships. In a way the dealers are actually forced to sell the models and brands as preferred by the consumers. All these factors suggest that dealerships are the primary buyers in the market and they should be targeted in an effective manner to become successful in capturing the market in Russia. Next it is important to identify the target consumers and their specific needs and requirements to resul t in increased customer satisfaction. According to a research study conducted by Nielsen (2011), the main factors that are considered by the consumers in Russia while buying a car have been shown in the figure - 1. Figure – 1 The main factors of choice of cars by Russian consumers (in %age) Source: (Autobusiness, 2012) As evident from figure - 1, the most important factor considered by the consumers in Russia while purchasing a car is quality and reliability of the product offered to them. Apart from this other key factors considered while selecting a car includes the car price, fuel consumption, safety, design of the car, total cost of ownership (TCO), comfort levels, roadability and the car capacity. Quality of products, reliability and price are in general important factors considered by consumers of all age groups, and gender. However TCO is preferred to design by men as compared to women who prefer design over TCO. As regards the age differences, consumers in the age gro up of 20 to 30 years are more concerned about the design of the cars and they prefer powerful cars. The middle age group (31 to 40 years) consumers are found to be practical in nature and they prefer cars with increased capacity and of lower prices. Quality and reliability are the major factors concerning consumers in the age group of 41 to 60 years (Autobusiness, 2012). The key factors or measures that should be considered while analyzing the automotive market in Russia includes population growth, new passenger registration, household earnings, pattern of growth of the middle class people, and oil consumption pattern in Russia. This study is designed to research on the possibility of General Motors expanding its business in Russia in the field of luxury cars. It is expected that by the end of 2016, Russia would become the largest automotive market in Europe. The Russian automotive market has experienced an unprecedented growth in sales of luxury cars in the recent years. It has bee n estimated that in the first nine months of 2012, 2.18 million luxury cars has been bought by the Russians as compared to 2.36 million bought by the Germans which is the highest recorded figures in the industry. With respect to the rise in oil prices, the elite class people were benefited the most and there has been a rise in the sales of luxury cars in Russia. This rise in sales of luxur

Experiential Family Therapy with Case of Child with School Phobia Assignment

Experiential Family Therapy with Case of Child with School Phobia - Assignment Example Experiential and Structural Family Therapies will have certain similarities and differences with regard to viewing and understanding of the problem, which refusal by the 7 years old child to attend school. According to Nichols (2013), Experiential Family Therapy believes that family problems are products of emotional denial and suppression by a certain member of the family. Structural Family Therapy argues that families are structures with subsystems controlled by interpersonal boundaries. As elaborated by Nichols (2013), Experiential Family Therapy clarifies that emotional denial and suppression may be due to the belief of the family that every member should adhere and conform to the existing social standards despite having other alternative views of life. A therapist applying Experiential Family Therapy may begin by tracing the nature of the relationship that the child has with the family and school environment while maintaining focus on emotions. Even though Experiential Therapy d oes not focus on relationships leading to the problem, it is worth acknowledging that emotions of individuals have an attachment to a dysfunctional relationship. In case the child is not cooperating, Experientialist may have to interrogate about any inefficient relationship within the child’s environment that is responsible for the emotions leading to rebellion. Experientialist may suppose that the child’s refusal to attend school is due to an uncomforting school environment that results in the buildup of negative emotions. Alternatively, an Experientialist may view the problem as resulting from emotions caused by the failure of the mother and grandmother to provide certain needs that the child sees school colleagues having. In case of this proposition, the emotion may be due to feelings of seclusion and outcast among the school colleagues. Treating the problem will  require that the concerned Experiential Family Therapist interrogate the child and the family but with a special focus on emotion(s) of the child.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Social, Ethical, and Economic Implications of the Human Genome Term Paper - 1

The Social, Ethical, and Economic Implications of the Human Genome Project for Society - Term Paper Example Social implications include major advances in medical treatments, but also changes in people’s attitudes and behavior due to new procedures like testing when symptoms arise or screening before any disease symptoms are apparent. Ethical issues include balancing individual interests against the interests of others, and such considerations as potentially racist applications and unforeseen consequences of information which gene-related activities can produce. Some of the most critical issues such as privacy and the desire not to know are highlighted. Financial implications for society at large, private companies and for individuals are explored. Finally, there is the assessment of the extent to which the Frankenstein metaphor applies to this project. The paper concludes that the Human Genome Project is an extremely powerful resource which can be used for good or evil purposes and that we have resolved some but by no means all, of the major ethical issues that it brings. The Human Genome Project promises a revolutionary insight into the genetic â€Å"blueprint† of the human body. Consider the social, ethical, and economic implications of this project for society and the potential for applications of this research. Genetic engineering is a relatively new science, which rests on the pioneering work of Gregor Mendel on the garden pea, leading to the formulation of Mendel’s laws in 1866. (Thomas, 2003 pp. 1-3). It was only some fifty years later that the true significance of his discoveries was realized.  

ESSAY of POETRY ANALYSIS Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Of POETRY ANALYSIS - Essay Example Notice how the author subtly uses the word ‘try’ at the beginning of the title. The statement seems more like a gentle plea, a provocation on the part of the author toward victims and people affected by the tragedy (Zagajewski) – signifies how we ought to discover beauty amidst the myriad occurrences, so tragic and mutilating, not only of environments and systems, but also of the fabric of inner harmony. There is an innate optimism and forbearance in the theme of the title. Zagajewski talks about ‘praise’ and not mere tolerance. This implies that there is a need to transcend circumstances, and through transcendence peace is found, no matter how seemingly damaged or ‘mutilated’ the circumstances or environment might seem. There is an allusion to â€Å"June’s ‘long’ days† transporting one to a moment in the past, when there was leisure and a sense of lightheartedness. An almost sensual image is being painted, wherein ‘wild strawberries, drops of wine, the dew’ (Zagajewski) all combine to create an experience of beauty and extravagant indulgence in life’s finer aspects. The tone is turns slightly morose, where there is a reference to â€Å"nettles that methodically overgrow† (Zagajewski) Nettles are flowering plants, but also have stinging hairs on their stems. While the nettle produces something as beautiful as a flower, it also has the hidden potential of killing and destruction. There is an implication here that, the world, no matter how ‘toxic’ is filled with pockets of ‘flowers’ and it is up to us to identify and focus on that which is beautiful in the world. The repetition of the title here has an undertone of an inst ruction. This verse indicates the dualities, the opposites, and the inseparable tragedy in luxury. â€Å"†¦.stylish yachts and ships† (Zagajewski) are images used to either explain themselves in all their opulence, or represent the people in fancy suits and offices in the WTC, just before the 9/11

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Social, Ethical, and Economic Implications of the Human Genome Term Paper - 1

The Social, Ethical, and Economic Implications of the Human Genome Project for Society - Term Paper Example Social implications include major advances in medical treatments, but also changes in people’s attitudes and behavior due to new procedures like testing when symptoms arise or screening before any disease symptoms are apparent. Ethical issues include balancing individual interests against the interests of others, and such considerations as potentially racist applications and unforeseen consequences of information which gene-related activities can produce. Some of the most critical issues such as privacy and the desire not to know are highlighted. Financial implications for society at large, private companies and for individuals are explored. Finally, there is the assessment of the extent to which the Frankenstein metaphor applies to this project. The paper concludes that the Human Genome Project is an extremely powerful resource which can be used for good or evil purposes and that we have resolved some but by no means all, of the major ethical issues that it brings. The Human Genome Project promises a revolutionary insight into the genetic â€Å"blueprint† of the human body. Consider the social, ethical, and economic implications of this project for society and the potential for applications of this research. Genetic engineering is a relatively new science, which rests on the pioneering work of Gregor Mendel on the garden pea, leading to the formulation of Mendel’s laws in 1866. (Thomas, 2003 pp. 1-3). It was only some fifty years later that the true significance of his discoveries was realized.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Privacy Matters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Privacy Matters - Essay Example Therefore, for the companies to attract many people and build trust on their web site users, they have developed privacy statements that give detail of their (users) privacy. A Privacy statement is a web document found on the web site of a company or a firm that gives details of the type of personally identifiable information that the company or the firm collects about those who visit its site (Turnbull 158). In addition, the statement also explains how the information collected is going to be used, who it is going to be shared with and how the users themselves can control the information gathered from them. Although all companies have privacy statements, the privacy statements vary from one company to another and entail different issues (Turnbull 155). This paper therefore, compares and contrasts published corporate privacy statements of three companies, that is, General Motors company, Panasonic Electric Works Corporation of America (PEWA) and Emetrix Company. All these companies o perate corporate web sites and it is in these web sites that their privacy statements are found (Turnbull 155). The privacy statements of these three companies have some similarities and differences. The statements have quite a number of similarities. Firstly, all the privacy statements of these companies are readily available and easily accessible.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Courageous woman Essay Example for Free

The Courageous woman Essay As a woman leader, Elizabeth Blackwell strived to become someone in life. She influenced mothers, children, wives, and sisters and showed them how strength could lead them to their dreams. Her family and friends discouraged her, but she kept going in her own direction. They told her how impossible it would be to become a woman doctor and she asked them why she should not be a doctor. They had no reasons to tell her, but even if they had one, it was not useful, so she still kept going no matter what the challenge and hard times she faced. After all what she went through, Elizabeth Blackwell accomplished her dream by becoming the first woman doctor. Elizabeth influenced women to become more confident in their own ideas and skills. Like other women who followed Elizabeth Blackwell’s idea, I am inspired by her persistence in life; even if I face hard ways, it is good to follow my dreams and travel by my own destination. I want to attend Regina Dominican High School, because I want to be like Blackwell and pursue my goals without hesitation and fear of other people’s discouragement. Elizabeth’s strength has had an impact on me because she is the kind of woman who proved that women are not the bottom of society; they are the top of society and equal to men. Her impact on me is that women can become whatever they want and equal with everyone. As a woman leader, Elizabeth’s strength will help me to develop my dexterity, put out my creativity in front of people, and follow my dreams to become a doctor. As long as I am doing what is expected of me, even if people are putting me down, I just have to be persistent to fulfill my dreams. To develop as a global leader, use any chance I get to disprove people who may have the wrong impression about me. Regina Dominican High School has its own belief in its students, and I am 100% sure that if I attend the Regina Dominican High School in the next four years, I will be like Elizabeth Blackwell and achieve my goal.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

A Guide To New Zealand Vacations

A Guide To New Zealand Vacations New Zealand is a country situated in the southern hemisphere close to Australia. New Zealand is basically made up of two islands. One is the North Island and the other South island. There are many smaller islands that are a part of the country. It enjoys a temperate climate due to which there is a variety of flora and fauna. Europeans barring a minority of Maoris mainly inhabit it. Its favorable climate has made New Zealand a destination of choice to people across the world. It is accessible to Europe and America by air. Many tourists travel here during vacations and various airlines offer competitive rates to travelers. Flights operate from major cities in New Zealand and are well connected with major cities of the world such as London, New York and Tokyo. These flights offer economy class and executive class bookings that suit the budget of various travelers. Some of the airlines offer special packages for vacations. These packages may include a free hotel booking at the destination for a specific period. They may also offer discounts on group bookings. There are some airlines that offer cash back facility if bookings are done through a credit card. Online bookings are usually granted a good discount. Many of the airlines guarantee lowest prices. If travelers find something cheaper, the fare is refunded by some airlines as a policy decision. The flight itinerary can be planned and booking for all the places can be made at the starting station. Another additional feature that includes the fare is travel insurance. Such Insurance schemes may cover cancellations at last moment due to unforeseen events. Accident and baggage loss are some other insurance covers offered by airlines. Long haul flights offer bookings without service fees. The flexibility of return dates and economic costs are major attractions of booking long haul flights for both domestic and international travel. Information about airfares of major airlines is easily available on the Internet. A tourist can make vacations cost effective and affordable by researching this information. New Zealand Vacation Costs New Zealand is often termed as a country of Gods. There is dramatic variation in the terrain of New Zealand. It ranges from geyser to glaciers, from rainforests to meadows. The range in variety in a limited area is the cause for many tourists to opt for New Zealand as tourist destination. Vacations to New Zealand can be planned at costs affordable to the travelerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s budget. The cost depends upon the travel destination and mode of transport. The first step of vacation is finding cost effective airfares. The duration of stay at particular destinations calls for hotel bookings. New Zealand offers accommodation at affordable cost. Travelers can opt for package tours that arrange for all travel and hotel bookings. Some of these include meals in their costs. This effectively reduces costs and the effort to find appropriate restaurants. Flexibility pass is offered to package tour travelers. This helps the tourist to break off at a required destination from the main tour and rejoin at a later stage. For the elite traveler there is an option to avail of exclusive services. Cars of choice can be arranged through the travel desk of the resort for sightseeing. This comes with an extra cost. Executive rooms or suites can be obtained with panoramic view of beaches or mountains. Specialized services such as usage of spa or pool are also a part of service for customized travel. Sight seeing tour operators mostly arrange sightseeing tours. Some of the tour operators arrange accommodation in tents. They have trailers that cater to food and luggage locker facilities. These tours are extremely popular for experiencing wilderness. Cycles or mopeds can be rented for traveling to nearby places. These tours include canoeing for free and serenity of lakes can be experienced at no extra costs. Costs of these vacations can be ascertained by logging on to the net. Various websites provide information on travel and tour options. A combination of best service with reasonable costs can be obtained through a little research. Planning Your New Zealand Vacation New Zealand is a land of contrasting terrain and weather in a compact area. This is the feature that helps the traveler to experience varied ecological terrain without having to travel long distances. The diversity in wildlife has helped New Zealand carve a niche in the tourism world market. New Zealand offers a variety of tours and packages to travelers. Tour operators can help in planning a vacation tailor made to suit the requirement of tourists. There are coach tours and independent tours that provide adventure and sight seeing tours. The offers vary from budget hotel accommodation to boutique hotels. Camper vans give a different experience to tourists. Options on the mode of transport used during the tours can decide the cost of the tour. It is recommended that accommodation bookings be made well in advance to avoid last minute disasters. Many tour operators provide information about the rich natural beauty of New Zealand that may help in planning the tour. The options may range from going on adventure tours, wildlife encounter tours to cultural tours. If traveling from a foreign country, the documents required for travel such as passports and visas need to be carried along throughout the travel. It is advisable that tourists, who are under medication, take details of medical care and medical formulas of prescribed medicines before starting on the trip. The kind of clothing to be carried will depend on the weather of the choice of destination. Information about the temperature and weather of a particular place can be obtained from websites of resorts or hotels. Standard itineraries are a safer option for travelers who do not want to take a risk during their vacation. In this way, tourists may find it easier to plan their holiday tours that cater for their budget. Additionally, they would also know exactly what to expect from the trip. A well-planned holiday to New Zealand can be an enjoyable experience. A Guide to New Zealand Vacations Tourists all round the world increasingly favor vacations to New Zealand. This country is known for its ecological diversity and for its varying climatic conditions across the country. Most places have sunny weather throughout the year. It would be beneficial to take suggestions from a professional travel planner if going on vacation to New Zealand, especially from a foreign country. Information can also be sourced online. It is important to know about the place and its history before planning a vacation. There are many websites that provide information about the history, wild life parks and natural beauty of New Zealand. Travelers are also informed about the time zones and exact season to visit these places. It also enlightens travelers about its origin and cultural heritage. Most of the web sites also provide information that may help tourists to plan their program. New Zealand offers a choice of tourist spots and tours. Glaciers with skiing grounds, geysers with hot springs can be visited in a short span of travel time. A choice can be made between a wide variety of tours involving camping, visit to nature parks, adventure tours, wildlife sightseeing or cultural tours. Every country has a set of regulations for foreign travelers. Information about formal documents such as passport and visas are necessary to avoid legal implications. Information about exchange rate of currency will help in planning expenditure. Places that offer currency exchange are also indicated on websites. Medical and emergency facilities that are offered to the tourists can also be known from websites or travel planners. Information about accommodation and their availability is also available with agents. Cost effective airfares and the airlines offering them can be accessed online. Many places in New Zealand have accommodation guides to help first time travelers. Additionally, maps and travel routes can be used while planning a trip to New Zealand.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984 Essay -- 1984 by George Orw

The book 1984 by George Orwell is merely a warning of what could happen to a society in the future after many years of decline. In the nineteen fifties it was thought of as a prophecy. Many people actually thought that George Orwell was a madman for predicting all of these events in this book to happen in the year 1984.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The story takes place in Oceania that is as a big country where there are smaller parts to it, like London where the main character Winston Smith lives. London is the former capital of the former country England. Obviously the story takes place in the year 1984. There are three classes living in Oceania: the Inner Party, the Outer Party, and the Proles. The Inner Party makes up about only two percent of the population. The Inner Party is the ruling party. The Outer Party makes up of about fifteen percent of the population. All of the daily administration is handled by the Outer Party. The Outer Party is described as small, powerless, and indispensable. It is the equivalent of a middle class. The Inner party selects a small number of the Outer party to join the Inner Party. Then there are the Proles who make up the rest of the population.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Government in Oceania is divided into four gigantic Ministries: The Ministry of Truth, The Ministry of Peace, The Ministry of Love, and The Ministry of Plenty. The Ministry of Truth controls the news, entertainment, education, and the fine arts. The Ministry of Peace controls all of the concerns of war. Th...

Friday, October 11, 2019

People Should Look After Their Health as a Duty to Society They Live in Rather Than Personal Benefits Essay

It has long been believed that an individual’s health is a private matter. However, in contemporary society, where human interaction is frequent and medical costs are high, the health of any individual concerns the whole community. Society as a whole suffers when an individual falls ill. Nowadays, a disease can spread very quickly between people in the same community and even across national borders. If a single patient is not diagnosed and treated in time, many more people will be affected. In addition, the high cost of medical treatment a patient requires is usually paid by the government and society. A smoker who suffers from lung cancer, for example, is making other taxpayers pay for his habit. For these reasons, health is more than just a personal matter. In the same way, good health benefits society as well as the individual. By keeping fit, a person is not only investing in his/her future, but also contributing to the overall productivity of society. That is the reason why many governments encourage their people to participate in sports as a way of boosting their health. Some people might argue that their freedom will be limited if their health is regarded as a public matter. However, I would like to point out that personal enjoyment should never be placed above public interests. Drug users, for example, are punished in any civilized society. In conclusion, health is not an issue like seatbelts which affect only the individual. In an era when everybody is involved with everybody else, people should look after their health for the sake of society as well as themselves.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Fashion Channel Market Segmentation Essay

One of TFC’s glaring strengths is that it specializes in fashion-oriented programming. The company is dedicated to fashion programming 24/7, meaning it is in a position to influence the market. Secondly, TFC appeals mostly to women between 35 and 54. The company’s viewership in the segment is 45% compared to 42% and 40% for Lifetime and CNN respectively. This category has the largest number of viewers and at the same time, one of those segments that is able to attract premium pricing. In addition, the company operates under the basic cable package. The package has more than 80 million subscribers in the U.S meaning that a large number of people have access to the channel. Conversely, TFC faces several weaknesses. Firstly, the company has not fully diversified its operations; it only specializes in fashion related programming. This could spell doom for the company, especially if the current trend is an indication of the future. Moreover, there is a section of the top management that is reluctant to accept change in the organization. The implication is that Dana’s recommendations may fail to get ratified for fear of the unknown. Thirdly, the satisfaction level of TFC’s customers is on the decline. The company is quickly losing customers to the two major competitors, and there are fears that the trend is sustainable. The other major weakness is that the organization has not segmented its market. The company ought to segment its market in order to benefit from the premium fee charged for the highly valued demographics. There are a number of opportunities available for TFC in its external environment. To begin, advertisers are ready to pay a premium for higher rating as well as defined demographic programming. Channels with higher rating are able to charge more for advertising meaning that TFC can gain additional revenue if appropriate strategies are developed to help increase its overall market rating. Secondly, there is a more room for the company to increase its market size. Fashion specific programming is continually gaining prominence among viewers in the U.S. market. In addition, viewer’s demand on network content and ad is directly related to the cost of advertisement. The company can thus increase its ad revenue through marketing strategies aimed at increasing viewership. One of TFC’s predominant threats is its two chief competitors: CNN and Lifetime. The two are constantly eating into the TFC’s major revenue base, and may even force the company out of the market. The second threat is that TFC is only entitled to $1 per subscriber. This is quite a small portion that cannot fully sustain the company’s operations. Besides, there is a threat that TFC may get dropped from the basic cable platform if subscribers satisfaction fails to improve. This may mean total loss for business. TFC’s Central Strategic Issue The company appears to lack a clearly defined business strategy. The  company’s product-market focus is vague. For instance, TFC has not segmented its market into different segments. Alternative Strategic Promotional Courses of Action Alternative 1 There are a number of marketing courses of action at TFC’s disposal. The first one, and perhaps most important, is market segmentation. The company should divide its market into different segments and concentrate on maximizing the revenue for the segment of choice. According to the data provided in the case, a combination of Fashionistas (scored 23.1M) and Shoppers/Planners (scored 42.35M) segments appears the most economical alternative for TFC. The two categories of customers are highly involved in matters related to fashion and are thus a suitable target for the company. There is also economic benefit involved if the company opts to back the strategy. Firstly, an admixture of the two segments yields a high profit margin (39%) in comparison to any other alternative. Besides, the alternative will trigger an increase in overall rating by 20%. There is a potential rise in the company’s rating from 1.0 to 1.2 consequently leading to increased revenue. In addition, this segmentation has the highest percentage of viewers 50% (=35% + 15%). The large number of viewers in two segments is thus suitable for the company, especially given that it entirely specialize in fashion programs. The problem with this alternative is that there is an increment in programming expenditure by $20 million. Alternative 2 The second alternative is broad-based marketing. This involves treating the entire market as a single group typified by customers with shared needs. The advantage of this strategy is that it is quite profitable at least in the short-run. Its adoption is likely to earn the company a net profit of more than $40 million (=$94.9 – 54.6). In addition, the approach does not attract incremental programming expenditure. On the other hand, the broad-based alternative will deny TFC the opportunity to earn premium CPM (Cost per thousand). Alternatively, TFC can opt for Fashionista segmentation. Using 2007 as a  base year, the alternative may rake for the company at least a net income of $100 million (=151.4 – 54.6). In addition, the approach is likely to boost the company’s overall rating from 1.1 to 1.2. The company will also be in a position to increase its charges from $2 to $3.5. Conversely, the Fashionista alternative will lead to an incremental expenditure of $15 million. Decision and Implementation Plan The new promotional plan should be positioned towards a combination of Fashionistas and Shoppers/Planners segment. Although there are a number of risks involved in this strategy, the returns are investing in the strategy. One of the greatest challenges for the company is maintaining the loyal customers while at the same time wooing new planners/shoppers and fashionistas. The company must come up with ways of ensuring that they do not lose some customers. This is achievable through evaluating the programs popular among the loyal customers and ensuring they are not disrupted by the new alternative. The company can also benchmark with its customers to learn how they are able to attract a huge number of fashionistas. The fact that the alternative may lead to incremental $20 million expenditure presupposes that its implementation is quite expensive. Benchmarking with Lifetime and CNN can help reduce the cost. Finally, the company should devise ways to foster awareness, perceived value, and interest of its products among consumers. This can be achieved through online marketing and ensuring there is appropriate social media policy in place to avoid misuse of the marketing platform.

Is the generation gap myth or reality Essay

It’s well known that new time demands new way of thinking. New way of thinking demands new way of acting. New way of acting arouses misunderstanding on the part of older generation. People usually get used to certain things and some dead small changes can frighten them. Thus, trying to avoid the negative feeling of fear older people try to avoid new trends and spirits of the time. On the other hand, youngsters are eager to introduce some desperately new and young-eyed decisions in order to gain a foothold. In other words, young people want to be creative, bright and want to place themselves on record. As a result, old traditions contradict with new trends and a problem of generation gap shapes up. For example, parents very often try to protect their children from modern entertainments some forbid playing computer games, thinking that computers can’t teach anything to their children, some prohibit wearing extravagant clothes and some prevent their infants from attending concerts of rock stars, fearing that he can fall among evil companions. However, forbidden fruit is sweet. And the offsprings start doing everything on the sly. But when finally parents find it out they can’t stop wondering why do their children conceal their affairs from them? The answer is as easy as ABC: youngsters want to express themselves, they want to get the smell of powder, they want to enjoy independence. On the contrary, the parents want to be sure that their precious offsprings are safe and sound. As a consequence, this leads to misunderstanding, quarrels and insults. Nowadays children start using computers very early. Tweens and teens are so fascinated by them that they spend hours and hours at their personal computers or at computer clubs. The electronic universe replaces their contacts with friends and dominates their life completely. Obsession with computers brings about a mechanical, disillusioned mentality and inhibits their emotional development. The heads of youngsters are also being filled with violent pictures they have seen on TV. Children are very naive and impressionable. And no wonder that they are so aggressive and arrogant in  real life. They are thrown into such a harsh world, especially if they live in a city. These days a lot of parents think that they should be lenient with their children, they should let them find out about life for themselves, they should leave children to develop their own idea of right and wrong. But it’s a grave mistake. Parents should try to protect their children from possible bad influences and give them clear guidance about right and wrong. There is no way to predict how today’s children will turn out. Keeping faith in kids is necessary. They are not bad. They are optimistic. They expect to have a better life than their parents’. And grown-ups – if they are prepared to admit it – could learn a thing or two from their children. One of the biggest lessons they could learn is that enjoyment is not  «sinful ». Enjoyment, is a principle you could apply to all aspects of life. It is not wrong to enjoy your work and enjoy your leisure, to shed restricting inhibitions. It is surely not wrong to live in the present rather than in the past or future. Generation gap is the major reason today why parents and children are moving away from each other. As we all know, the environment has changed, so has the life style and with that changes the mind of children. Today’s generation doesn’t like others interfering in any of their personal matters, they don’t like parents ordering them, and if they try and tell them what’s wrong for them, they misbehave with their parents. The question arises that, what is the reason behind all this. It is the parents’ mistake or is it cause of the generation gap. Generation gap is basically created by the people themselves. They don’t talk to their children and share their own points of views with the children. The point is that the parents are just so busy with their work and jobs that they don’t have time for their family and their children. And they realize it when there has a huge distance between the kids and the parents. The point is if parents give their children some time from their busy schedule then there would be no such problem. Nevertheless the problem of  generation gap can be easily solved. Patience should be the key to the common ground between adults and youngsters. People of all ages must become more tolerant and less selfish and must discuss their troubles in order to conquer misunderstanding. It’s essential that parents give more freedom to their children so that they can express themselves. Whereas children should remember that freedom is not something to be over-indulged in. It’s not difficult to achieve understanding if you are making effort to see a problem from a variety of angles. On the contrary, if you think that your standpoint is the only one true and you don’t want to discuss and listen to other opinions, then the problem of generation gap will become a nightmare of your family.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Business reaserch method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Business reaserch method - Essay Example The main reason for developing nations’ need for donor aid is that they lack the funds to satisfy their budgetary requirements. The international community steps in to improve the conditions of such countries (Picard, 2008, 43). The decision to donate funds and other materials is made after the involved parties hold considerable consultations. After such negotiations and consultations, the parties reach an agreement, many times defining the specific purpose for which the funds would be provided and the method for managing these funds (Dang & Knack, 2010, 33). With increased donor aid withdrawal, most affected developing countries have continued to feel the effects of their vices, with some having to divert funds meant for development into tackling their more pressing issues (Cornell, 2007, 24). This paper shall investigate the effects of such withdrawals on developing countries, aside from highlighting the need for donor aid for developing countries, which face many challenges in various sectors. People hold different views on the matter of donor aid for developing countries, depending on their places of domicile and their experience with the essential issues that donor aid attempts to address. Some individuals from Western countries regard donor aid as a waste of resources, since they do not see the effect that such donations, which have been in place for more than 100 years, have had on the economies of most developing countries (Independent, n.d.,n.p.). They see it as an avenue for the elite from poor countries to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor, for whom such funds are sought. There are multiple forms of aid from developed to developing countries, depending on the issue of concern. Some of the forms in which donor aid is given include food assistance, humanitarian emergency assistance and military assistance among others (Easterly, 2008, 25). The main aim of donating to developing countries is to

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

People tastes in digital culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

People tastes in digital culture - Essay Example This is a characteristic feature of modern times social networking sites, where people sitting in two different parts of the world are in contact yet people who are side by neighbors, or even in single apartment don’t get to know and hear from each other for days. The response and the approach observed by her is highly reflective of how the overall contacts are being handled and conducted in modern times. So much so, it has eliminated the need for traveling and seeing the people who are at other places. This technological shift has enabled watching and getting in touch with people who are not just across the border, but also across the ocean and across the continent. With technology taking over every domain of life and society, this trend is bound to increase its scope and everything and every individual is bound to become more digital in coming times(Turkle, 2011). Out of all it can be deduced that there is no digital divide yet there is a massive physical divide and it is bo und to get ripe and more visible as the technology penetrates more into our life with times ahead. Technology promises much more in times ahead and more isolation of human beings from one another is expected. The mankind has become dependent on the machine. Question 2: HOW DID HE DO IT? (Isaacson) While it is an understood fact that entire surrounding is occupied by digital gadgets and electronic devices, very few would deny the fact that what we are seeing today is mostly the contribution of certain individuals. While Bill gates is one of the most notable figure being celebrated and talked about in many corners all over the world, the man who is perhaps equally or slightly more responsible for the present day gadgets is none other than the man who is known by many names. The names which are of characteristics feature and precede his real world name. These include the name of being a pioneer, a proponent, a legendry man, an electronic device guru, an innovator, a visionary leader, a motivator. The names and list can go on, but these all define one man who was known as Steve Jobs by the world. From I Pod to I Pad to I pad 2, to I phone, all sum up the man’s performance and his contribution to the modern times gadgets(Imbimbo, 2011). All that we see today, all the gadgets that are in our hands, in our pockets, in our pouches, on our tables, on the walls, are all the gifts of the geniuses of one man himself. Starting the journey from a small garage, leading to a small company, followed by Atari development and further followed by venture collaboration with Apple Inc. This man never looked back, and he was gifted with qualities of geniuses, innovation, and creativity. He had the ability of thinking out of the box and outsmarting his competitors. Perhaps this is the sole reason, his inventions; his geniuses are still ruling the world and markets of technology despite his sad demise from this world. Apple I phone 5 was an example of this entire journey that w as recently being unveiled despite the demise of the man himself last year who has been behind this entire concept of innovation, smartness, ubiquity, sleekness, user friendliness and many other features and functions. Success is not the kind of door that can be opened only with one

Monday, October 7, 2019

Cluster Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Cluster Analysis - Essay Example There are various statistics associated with cluster analysis which are used for analyzing the data. Clustering can be hierarchical or non hierarchal and these are further classified into various methods. Hierarchal clustering is developed as a tree like structure. This method can be either agglomerative or divisive. In agglomerative clustering each object is formed as a separate cluster which is formed by grouping into bigger clusters and the process is continued till all the cases form as members of a single cluster. In agglomerative method, the various methods such as linkage methods, error sum of squares or variance and central methods are used. Linkage method includes single linkage, complete linkage and average linkage. The single linkage method is based on the minimum distance. The complete linkage is based on the maximum distance. And the average linkage is based on the average distance between all pairs of objects, so that one member of the pair is from each of the clusters. Variance method is used to minimize the within -cluster variance. Ward's procedure is a variance method where the squared euclidean distance to the cluster means is minimized. In the centroid method the distance between the two clusters is computed as the distance between their centroids. Generally the average linkage and Ward's method are supposed to perform better than other procedures. Now we shall discuss the various statistics associated with cluster analysis. Agglomerative schedule gives information on the cases being combined at each stage of a hierarchical clustering. The mean value of the variable associated with all cases in a cluster is known as cluster centroid. Dendogram is a tree like graph which displays the result of cluster analysis. The clusters which are joined together are represented by vertical lines. The position of line indicates the distance where the clusters are joined. This graph is a generally read from left to right. The distance between cluster centers indicates how the pairs of clusters are separated. If the clusters are widely separated and distinct then they are desirable. Icicle diagram is a graph, which displays the clustering results. It is called as icicles which hang from the eaves of a house. The columns represent the cases being clustered and the rows correspond to the number of clusters. This diagram is read from bottom to top. In this case chestnut ridge club clustering is considered on the attitude of the respondents in terms of joining a club. And the respondents expressed on a scale of 1-5, the objective here is group similar cases and to measures how similar or different the case are. The approach is to measure similarity in terms of distance between pairs of objects. There are different methods to measure the distance. These methods can be used to measure and the results can be compared. In hierarchical clustering agglomerative clustering is selected and Wards procedure is used to measure the distance. Generally the choice of clustering method and choice of a distance measure are related. Here the variables are measured on a five-point scale. The Wards linkage method is used to find the average distance between all pairs of objects. In this variance method the squared Euclidean distance to the cluster means is minimized. The important outputs obtained here are agglomeration schedule which shows the number of clusters combined at each

Sunday, October 6, 2019

World economies (PHD level) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

World economies (PHD level) - Essay Example The economy had cheap money floating which was invested by the public. The borrowings were then invested in the stocks and securities in the domestic market as well as foreign markets directly opposite to the reason of borrowing. The banks and other institutions lent the money to be invested in land holding but instead it was invested in stock markets (The Lost Decade - Japans Economic Crisis). According to the article ‘The Lost Decade - Japans Economic Crisis,’ the Finance Ministry after realizing this increased the interest rates which caused the stock market to crash big time. The increase in interest rates caused the banks to go in large debt crisis due to huge bad debts. And even those official numbers dont capture the full size of the flood of cheap money. This was also due to the fact that the banks and other institutions were selling bonds in the foreign market with a low interest rate which when swapped into yen, reduced the cost of money to zero. The Japanese banking sector was in crisis and many banks were bailed by the government or the whole banking sector of Japan would have been destroyed. The name Lost Decade was given because the Japanese banks were in no position to lend more money or do capital investment due to huge amounts of bad debts. The economic situation in Japan is now not as bad as the Lost Decade when the economic expansion had just come to an abrupt stop. Unemployment had rose and is still an issue but it is not at a level of crisis like in the Lost Decade. It is argued by many economists that the economic situation in America is on the path of economic crisis like the Lost Decade in Japan. The Federal Reserve of The Fed of US is also lowering the discount rate. As a result of this the growth in the American economy is slowly crawling upwards, the savings are invested in the real-estate which does not make any contribution to the country’s savings and the stock market

Friday, October 4, 2019

The effectiveness of individual communication styles in small group Essay

The effectiveness of individual communication styles in small group. The following subtopics are to be addressed. see other inst - Essay Example During our fund raising sessions, there were a lot of negotiations and discussions that sometimes took a serious turn as well. We also went to the offices of local companies for fund raising in the teams of two members with rotating partners. This practice helped me analyze the behavior of individual members along with their strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, I also observed how individual group members had an impact on the overall campaign itself. Reflection: During these group meetings and fund raising sessions, I noticed that every person among us had a different persona and a varied way of handling situations in hand. Where me and my younger peer who was also a student attempted to come up with ideas that were dynamic and robust but risky, group members that were employed, were tempted to follow a pre-determined plan. Same was reflected in their communication styles as well. Our group leader who was an experienced social worker was highly persuasive mainly because of his expe rience and passion towards his work. On the other hand, younger members of our group possessed highly energetic approach and provocative communication styles. This strength enabled us to deliver some extraordinary presentations and gather handsome amount of funds. Furthermore, other team members from corporate background had a subtle and calculated approach towards their deliverance. This mannerism created balance in our teams and allowed us to secure more leads. Generalization/ Principles/ Theories: Careful analysis of our group dynamics made me aware of the processes in which small groups operate. I realized that in small groups the role of the leader becomes more important since processes are rather informal. Also, the level of interaction between team members is highly influenced by their personal traits. I also learnt that small teams tend to have more reliance on the equilibrium between communication styles of its group members. Usually in such groups, workers from different b ackground have more opportunity to communicate and transmit their messages through formal and informal communication modes. This ability also has an impact on their ability of affecting each other. I came to understand that in an average task oriented group, team members have to play several roles including initiator, opinion giver, elaborator, coordinator, orienteer, evaluator, energizer, procedural technician, and recorder. Examining my group in the light of this model made me understand that in small teams, group members may have to adopt multiple roles. Testing & Application: I had a chance to examine individual group members including our leader with the help of this theoretical model and I came to know that most of the roles such as initiator, elaborator, orienteer, critic and information giver were assumed by our team leader. Further roles were played by other group members in a rotating fashion. In addition to that, individual team dynamics (of two members) were different th an the group itself. In individual teams, there was a dominating partner who was governing and leading the team and supervising the performance of other team member although this hierarchy was highly informal and governed by the level of knowledge and expertise possessed by the group members. Subtopic 2: Group Problem Solving Processes Description of Concrete Event: In the

Thursday, October 3, 2019

History of Internet Essay Example for Free

History of Internet Essay The term ‘Internet’ was coined on October 24, 1995. However the origin of the internet and related concepts are much older. The present day Internet is the revolutionized face of the nascent day communication system and is the most successful examples of benefits of sustained investment and commitment to information infrastructure (Leiner et al. , 2003). The unprecedented integration of collaboration, dissemination embarked by a series of gradual changes that the society has undergone with respect to the communication and connectivity needs. As described by Kristula (1997), it was in 1957 that the USA formed ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) within the DoD (Department of Defence) to establish US lead in science and technology applicable to the military. Until 1960’s, the computers operated almost exclusively in batch mode, where programs were punched on stacks of cards and assembled into batches for the data to be fed in the local computer center. The need for the time sharing system had already set the stage for research and development work to make the time sharing possible on the computer systems. In an article, Hauben (1995), stated that the time sharing system led the foundation for the Interactive Computing, where the user could communicate and respond to the computers responses in a way that batch processing did not allow. Both Robert Taylor and Larry Roberts, future successors of Licklider as director of ARPAs IPTO (Information Processing Techniques Office), pinpoint Licklider as the originator of the vision which set ARPAs priorities and goals and basically drove ARPA to help develop the concept and practice of networking computers. Licklider has been described as the father of modern day network, having laid the seeds of the Intergalactic network, the initial prototype of the Internet today. The vision of the interconnection and interaction of diverse communities guided the creation of the original ARPANET. The APRANET pioneered important breakthroughs in computer networking technology and the ability to collaborate and use dispersed resources (Winston, 1998). In 1962, Paul Baran, a RAND research worker introduced the concept of ‘Packet Switching’, while working towards the need of the U.  S. government to take command and control of any kind of nuclear attack. Packet switching was crucial to realization of computer networks and described breaking down of data into ’message blocks’ known as packets / datagrams, which were labeled to indicate the origin and the destination. Baran’s scheme was aided by telephone exchange methodology being used by information theory. The data was now sent in discrete packages around a network to achieve the same result – a more even flow of data through the entire network. The same concept also developed by British computer pioneer Donald Watt known as Davies’s Pilot Ace. Baran’s Distributive Adaptive Message Blockswitching became Watt Davies’s ‘Packet Switching’. The first host connected to the ARPANET was the SDS Sigma-7 on Sept. 2, 1969 at the UCLA (University of California in Los Angeles) site. It began passing bits to other sites at SRI (SDS-940 at Stanford Research Institute), UCSB (IBM 360/75 at University of California Santa Barbara), and Utah (Dec PDP-10 at the University of Utah). This was the first physical network and was wired together via 50 Kbps circuits. ARPANET at this stage used NCP (Network Control Protocol). By 1973, development began on TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) and then in 1974, the term ‘Internet’ was used in a paper on TCP/IP. The development of Ethernet, in 1976, supported high speed movement of data using coaxial cables and led the foundation for the LAN (Local Area Network). Packet satellite project, SATNET, went live connecting the US with Europe. Around the same time, UUCP (Unix –to-Unix Co Py) was being developed by ATT Bell Labs. The need to link together those in Unix Community triggered the development of the Usenet in 1979. Using homemade auto dial modems and the UUCP, the Unix shell and the find command (that were being distributed with the Unix OS), Bellovin, wrote some simple shell scripts to have the computers automatically call each other up and search for changes in the date stamps of the files. The Usenet was primarily organized around News net and was called as the ‘Poor Man’s ARPANET’, since joining ARPANET needed political connections was costly too. Woodbury, a Usenet pioneer from Duke University, described how News allowed all interested persons to read the discussion, and to (relatively) easily inject a comment and to make sure that all participants saw it. However, owing to the slow speed, the coding language was soon changed to ‘C’, thus becoming the first released version of Usenet in C programming popularly known as A News. By 1983, TCP/IP replaced NCP entirely and the DNS (Domain Name System) was created so that the packets could be directed to a domain name where it would be translated by the server database into the corresponding IP number. Links began to be created between the ARPANET and the Usenet as a result of which the number of sites on the Usenet grew. New T1 lines were laid by NSF (National Science Foundation). The Usenet took an unexpected explosion, from 2 articles per day posted on 3 sites in 1979, to 1800 articles per day posted at 11000 sites by 1988. By 1990, the T3 lines (45 Kbps capacity) replaced the T1 lines and the NSFNET formed the new backbone replacing the ARPANET. The beginning of 1992 marked the establishment of a chartered Internet Society and the development of the World Wide Web. The first graphical user interface, named ‘Mosaic for X,’ was developed on the World Wide Web. By 1994, the Commercialization of the Internet emerged in the form of the first ATM (Asynchronous Transmission Mode) was installed on the NSFNET. The free access of the NSFNET was blocked and fee was imposed on domains. This describes the series of events that shaped the history for the past two decades, ever since Internet came into existence. The Internet technology is continuously changing to accommodate the needs of yet another generation of underlying network technology. Hoping that the process of evolution will manage itself, we look forward to a new paradigm of Internet Services.